Handpicked parquet certainly hope getting better and better use of time, this provides protection parquet five points, so that your wood flooring is more durable, more longevity. 1. Dust often give parquet usually remove dust with a broom or vacuum cleaner, a place more often trampled to be diligent vacuuming. Pay particular attention to the foyer and hallway leading to the outside. Furthermore, in order to prevent dust entering the house, dust mats can be placed at the entry point, or the installation of dust strip at the bottom of the door.
2. parquet dry mop to clean better than wet , wring the mop before use better, too wet mop, in the use of water will penetrate the joints, damage wood flooring, parquet cause floor convex deformation. 3. Choose carefully choose the right skin care products for wood flooring waterborne wax, use only one wax products, the use of mixing different wax products will react with each other to make sticky dirty. 4. The amount of goods in moderation if wax coating is too thick will be more dust sticking on the parquet, harder to polish parquet.
5. Move To move the furniture to be careful, it is recommended to lift the way, to avoid drag, so as not to scratch the parquet; To further protect your wood flooring, furniture can be installed at the bottom of the cloth cover or add shims. You may also be interested in: maintenance of the floor must be able to "two ground" and "Three bogey" floor tiles appear concave deformation, how to solve? Why after coverings will change?